Su-yen Simon Bertrand

Su-yen Simon Bertrand is a seasoned Project Management and Communication Specialist, born and raised in Port-au-Prince, Haïti.

She began her professional career in 2006 when she joined Digicel Group, an international mobile phone network and home entertainment provider operating in over 33 markets worldwide. She served consecutively as an Executive Assistant, Finance Controller, and Supervisor in various departments including finance, sales, and customer care.

In 2012, she joined the non-profit arm of the company, where she devoted herself to the implementation of sustainable development programs for the purpose of building stronger and more resilient communities in Haïti. As their Grants and Public Relation Manager of the Digicel Foundation, Su-yen led a team of ten, managing a network of 189 schools and over 200 nationwide projects centered around education, access to water, agriculture, breeding, professional training, and many more. In her leading role, she oversaw the fund development of the Foundation and had collaborated with many international donors and organizations. 

Su-yen was also a Marketing and Communication strategist as well as an Operations Manager who had organized numerous marketing campaigns, large conferences, corporate and cultural events, high-level meetings, and press conferences to name a few. She immigrated to the US in July 2021 and lives currently in Florida.

Since she moved to the US, Su-yen has worked with the Haitian Ladies Network as their External Affairs Specialist to realize their 2022 Weekend Conference in Washington D.C, mainly supporting the Conference planner and the sponsorship committee.

Su-yen serves now as the Operations Director for the Haitian-American Foundation for Democracy and also provides support to the Ayiti Diaspora Collaborative Communication Team.


Ariel Dominique